Export of Ukrainian products to the EU
14 July 2022
Export of Ukrainian products to the EU
A few words about the export of Ukrainian products to the EU. Basic mistakes. (The beginning of a new story, I will slowly enlighten you).
Dear friends, we were preparing a petition to postpone deadlines for patent fee payment in Uzbekistan and got a chronology of events in Kyiv from our friend – Kyiv citizen. We share it with you. Of course, without names and numbers.
6 May 2022
Dear friends, we were preparing a petition to postpone deadlines for patent fee payment in Uzbekistan and got a chronology of events in Kyiv from our friend – Kyiv citizen. We share it with you. Of course, without names and numbers.
“More haste less speed” doesn’t work for patents
18 March 2022
“More haste less speed” doesn’t work for patents
Dear friends, we continue the series of posts about the breakthrough CRISPR-Cas9 technology. This time we focused on the judicial aspect and, to begin with, we will recall the background.
I believe I’m crazy enough to do that
11 March 2022
I believe I’m crazy enough to do that
Dear friends, we continue the series of posts dedicated to CRISPR-Cas9 technology. This time we will not talk about patents, but about ethics in scientific research.
Too much of a good thing
4 March 2022
Too much of a good thing
In 2020, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry went to Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna for the discovery of "genetic scissors" abbreviated CRISPR/Cas9. But this happy event is only the icing on the cake, under which real battles for the right of inventorship, ownership and control are hidden.
21 February 2022
Dear friends, we continue investigating the area of scientific history of patents and pharmaceuticals. Let us remind you that when conducting patent research (e.g., various searches, expert opinions, patent strategies, etc.), we study the development of certain pharmaceutical areas and active substances. It is not for everyone :). But those who are familiar with the matter and curious about development of science in the pharmaceutical direction may be interested. Therefore, we invite you to read our new article.